Only women who have actually experienced pregnancy can understand how much their bodies, hormones, and systems changed in preparation for giving birth. It only makes sense that after the baby is born, these systems need to change back to the way they were pre-pregnancy. Hormone levels decrease, your body starts resuming its previous shape, and things that were put on hold while you were pregnant get back to normal operation.
This includes your hair. While you were pregnant you may have noticed that it got thicker and even changed to a richer color. It was definitely affected by the hormonal changes in that it didn't fall out on a regular basis like it does in its non-pregnancy state. Inevitably, about 75% of women who give birth will notice hair loss about 3-4 months later.
This includes your hair. While you were pregnant you may have noticed that it got thicker and even changed to a richer color. It was definitely affected by the hormonal changes in that it didn't fall out on a regular basis like it does in its non-pregnancy state. Inevitably, about 75% of women who give birth will notice hair loss about 3-4 months later.
All hair goes through stages. It starts by
growing in and then experiences a lengthy "resting" phase. Most women lose hair at a rate of 30 to 100 strands per day. About 7 years after a hair shaft started to grow, it falls out, making room for new, healthy hair. This process continues throughout your life.
Pregnancy, however, disrupts the normal flow of things. While you were carrying your baby, very little of your hair fell out. The normal cycle didn't exist any longer. However, your body remembers what was supposed to have taken place, so after you have the baby, it causes all of the hairs that should have fallen out during the 9-month gestation period to exit your scalp.
growing in and then experiences a lengthy "resting" phase. Most women lose hair at a rate of 30 to 100 strands per day. About 7 years after a hair shaft started to grow, it falls out, making room for new, healthy hair. This process continues throughout your life.
Pregnancy, however, disrupts the normal flow of things. While you were carrying your baby, very little of your hair fell out. The normal cycle didn't exist any longer. However, your body remembers what was supposed to have taken place, so after you have the baby, it causes all of the hairs that should have fallen out during the 9-month gestation period to exit your scalp.
The good news is that your hair will grow back in and resume the same thickness as it had pre-pregnancy. What some women don't like is having to look somewhat like a picked chicken until it can do that. If you are one of these women and you dread the thought of not looking your best, there are a few things you can do to minimize hair loss. Some of these tricks include:
1. Brush and comb your hair extra-gently following pregnancy, because the hair is particularly delicate at that point.
2. Eat a nutritious diet that you've worked out with your physician. After all, you don't want to save your hair at the expense of the baby you're breastfeeding.
3. Lightly massage your hair with oil.
4. Refrain from putting your hair into tight hairdos, such as ponytails and braids, which can loosen the strands from the follicles.
5. Use a wide-toothed comb when your hair is wet.
6. Don't use your dryers and curling irons during this period of time.
8. A shorter hairstyle will grow back in more quickly.
For more tips and information on vitamins for hair growth? Get tips, articles, and advice on female hair loss here: Causes of Hair Loss.
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